
Yours Truly

My name is Ashley Borel and I am a current student at Lamar University. I am a Biology Major/Chemistry Minor and my concentration is in pre-optometry. My goal is to attend the University of Houston College of Optometry to become an optometrist. I am a member of the Beta Beta Beta National Biology Honor Society, Lamar University’s Pre-Optometry Professional Society, and I am a Mirabeau Scholar. In my free time I enjoy spending time with my family, cooking, traveling, drinking lots of coffee, biking, and hanging out with friends.

Purpose of this website

I am also a student in the Reaud Honors College at Lamar University. As a part of the program, we are required to make a website in order to keep track of the activities we participate in during our academic career. This website is a good way to share the experiences I have at Lamar as well as other aspects of my life.

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